• Righteous Kill

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, semper at, ligula. Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante dui, aliquet nec, congue non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris. Duis sed massa id mauris pretium venenatis. Suspendisse cursus velit vel ligula. Mauris elit. Donec neque. Phasellus nec sapien quis ...

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, semper at, ligula. Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante dui, aliquet nec, congue non, accumsan sit amet, lectus.Mauris et mauris. Duis sed massa id mauris pretium venenatis. Suspendisse cursus velit vel ligula. [caption id="attachment_111" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image with caption"][/caption] Mauris elit. Donec neque. ...

  • Etiam augue pede, molestie eget.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, semper at, ligula. Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante dui, aliquet nec, congue non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris. Duis sed massa id mauris pretium venenatis. Suspendisse cursus velit vel ligula. Mauris elit. Donec neque. Phasellus nec sapien quis ...

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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque sed felis. Aliquam sit amet felis. Mauris semper, velit semper laoreet dictum, quam diam dictum urna, nec placerat elit nisl in quam. Etiam augue pede, molestie eget, rhoncus at, convallis ut, eros. Aliquam pharetra. Nulla in tellus eget odio sagittis blandit. Maecenas at nisl. Nullam lorem mi, eleifend a, fringilla vel, semper at, ligula. Mauris eu wisi. Ut ante dui, aliquet nec, congue non, accumsan sit amet, lectus. Mauris et mauris. Duis sed massa id mauris pretium venenatis. Suspendisse cursus velit vel ligula. Mauris ...

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Capiz Bay Resort

Posted by cloudylyt On - - 0 comments

Chapter 1

Background of the Study

The Internet, sometimes called “the net”, is a worldwide system of computer networks. A network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers). It was conceived by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the U.S government in 1969 and was first known as the ARPANet, Today, The Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

The Website is a collection of related web pages, images, videos or other digital assets that are addressed relative to a common uniform resource; website is a collection of web files on a particular subject that includes a beginning filled called a Home page. For example, most companies, organization, or individuals that have websites have a single addressed that they give you. This is their homepage addressed. From the home page, you can get to all the other pages on their site.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is often considered the more technical part of Web marketing. This is true because SEO does help in the promotion of sites and at the same time it requires some technical knowledge at least familiarity with basic HTML. SEO is sometimes also called SEO copyrighting because most of the techniques that are used to promote sites in search engines deal with text. Generally, SEO can be defined as the activity of optimizing Web pages or whole sites in order to make them more search engine friendly, thus getting higher positions in Search results.

Objectives of the Study

General Objective

The aim of this study is to develop a website for the Capiz Bay Resort, which will promote the hotel in the World Wide Web.

Specific Objectives

Specifically this study aims to:

1. Encourage the visitors of the website to come and visit the Capiz Bay Resort.

Because of the website, the hotel will become popular not only in the province of Capiz but also worldwide.

2. To give an accurate information to the visitors of the website of the Capiz Bay Resort.

Through the use of the website, internet users and viewers can get the exact and accurate information about the hotel which will be useful in such manner.

3. To advertise Capiz Bay Resort not only in mass media but also in the World Wide Web.

The website Capiz Bay Resort will be advertised in the internet through the use of the World Wide Web.

Significance of the Study

The aim of the study is to promote the Capiz Bay Resort in the World Wide Web.

This website will be benefited by the related in kind of business which is the owners of the hotel and the employee of the Capiz Bay Resort.

Capiz Bay Resort

The reosrt can benefit this website for them to strengthen the revenue of their business.

Hercor College

The study provides a reference with the student of Hercor College about how to develop a website.

Hercor College Student

This study gives the student good ideas on how to develop a better website informational and useful.

The Proponents

This study helps the proponents to enhance their ability in developing a better website.

Scope and limitation of the Study


The study aimed is to developed a website of Capiz Bay Resort which the visitors would comfortable to stay in this hotel such as:


Facilities and Equipment

Room Rates

Photo Gallery


Contact Us


This website cannot allow or accept the following:


*database capability

*domain hosting

Chapter 2

Review of Related Studies

Using Articles to Promote Your Website

Most article directories will allow you to use up to three different links. Remember that the better written and useful your articles are the more likely it will be that potential publishers will choose to use your content. Even if you are not an experienced writer, writing is a skill so you get better the more you write. If you submit the same article to multiple directories try to vary the title and your anchors. Webmasters and bloggers are always looking for new content for their sites. Be unique and show your personality. If you are a novice writer and would like to pursue this unique method of promoting your website, you don't have to worry about where to start. There are numerous inherent benefits in this fairly simple and innovative way of promoting your website and your products.

When you provide quality content it builds trust and helping people builds relationships. Take a look at some of the articles written by authors at http://www.thearticleshare.com. And if your articles are interesting, people will click through to see what else you've got to say. It is great to be able to write an article one time and have literally hundreds of people read it and sign up. As a writer, you can take advantage of this system to promote your own website by increasing your backlinks and generating more web traffic. When you submit one of your articles to another website, you'll be allowed to add a small resource box that includes a link to your site. If readers like your articles, they will visit your site to check out what else you have to offer. There are various ways of exploiting this effective and low-cost method of web marketing. Augment your own knowledge Helpful quality content will cause people to trust you and they will refer your website to others and it continues to spread. You can easily recruit hundreds of referrals in any associate or affiliate programs you wish to build. If you have a site about debt, and you write hundreds of articles about the subject, over time people will begin to see you as an expert on the subject. It is only natural that providing information should be a key to your online marketing strategy.

You can make advertising income and sell your own products. One way of incoming links are a vital part of website promotion, because search engines take them as a positive vote about the quality of your site. All of the information needed for you to explore your ideas and illustrate your points you can get from the Internet. Webmasters who are looking for content will not publish an article that is written only to make a sale. Article writing can be an ultimate marketing tool to promote your website. People trust and tend to buy products from somebody they consider to be an expert.

If you are able to write an article that is both informative and useful you are already well on your way to gaining backlinks and gaining more visitors. So if you need more traffic, more subscribers and more sales, I highly recommend an article writing campaign as part of your internet marketing strategy. Have fun writing articles about your favorite topics and promote your website in the process! You can establish yourself as an expert in your field If someone clicks through from one of your articles or finds you through a search engine, we can assume that they're interested in the subject of your site. The subject should be directly targeted to your product or service. Article Directories satisfy this need by providing articles that may be freely published. Add your own knowledge and experience to that research, wrap it up in an attractive writing style and a virtually endless supply of new articles is possible. Writing is a very flexible marketing tool. There are literally thousands (make that hundreds of thousands) of ezines out there. However, before even you start writing your first article, no matter how good you are in your chosen subject matter, you still have to do some extra research to seek out an interesting topic, gather relevant materials on the topic, evaluate gathered information, organize your thoughts and plan your article. http://www.articlesbase.com/internet-articles/using-articles-to-promote-your-website-231949.html

Posted: Oct 11, 2007

SEO Optimization for Online Business

Posted: Sep 10, 2009

SEO optimization services - SEO tips to enhance the page ranking of your internet site and how to get online business leads and sales.

The reason is because search engines are the most important source web users use to find information they are searching for. Once a website is getting a good ranking, more and more visitors will find your site and buy your products to rank a web site, many factors are taken in consideration. As a website owner, knowing how it works will help you improve your ranking.

SEO Optimization Tip: Find the golden keywords. Keyword research is absolutely necessary to find the right keywords for your business.

SEO Optimization Tip: Content is king. The search engines like new and relevant content, so by posting valuable and highly relevant information the search engines will enhance the ranking of your website. Writing good content will inspire other webmasters to contact you or make a link to your site. Convert every visitor of your website into the best ambassador of your site.

SEO Optimization Tip: Adding new content to the site. By writing more pages with informative, highly relevant content you will increase your page ranking and that implies that more visitors will find your website. What you should do is continuously add new pages to your site with highly relevant, fresh content.

SEO Optimization Tip: Use a quality autoresponder service to build a mailing list.

It's been proven that 80% of the sales take place after the first contact, so it is essential to build a strong communication with your clients. A good auto responder service is crucial to build a strong relationship with your visitors.

SEO Optimization Tip: Give away a special bonus. To build up a mailing list, you need to have the e-mail of every visitor. Offering a bonus, such as an E-book or a "special dossier" with highly interesting information for your visitor can be the ideal way to acquire his e-mail. You can offer free digital products to your visitors and promote your business. You may also allow your list members to forward the free gift to their friends and clients. The special gift or digital product must contain highly interesting information for the visitor and some links to your website.

SEO Optimization Tip: Article writing and submission to “high authority" Article Directories.

Write articles on subjects highly related to your products and submit these articles in article sites.These popular 2.0 articles directories have an excellent Page Ranking and many of them are regarded as authority sites. Authority sites are extremely powerful and will boost the page ranking of your site.2.0 web Article sites can drive traffic to your site and provide your site with a lot of "link juice". Do not forget to leave your details in the resource box with a link to your site.

SEO Optimization Tip: Topical forums

Forums are a fantastic place to hang out. You will get more in-depth knowledge and by participating actively you will attract visitors to your site. For this, you must be sure that your forum signature contains a link to your blog or site.

To finish, try these seo optimization tips: use highly relevant keywords on your website, make sure your content is highly relevant, original and fresh, add continuously more valuable information to your internet site, follow up every visitor of your website with a good auto responder service, give away a bonus or a free gift, submit to article directories and be active in forums. Linking to 2.0 websites will give you strong back links and targeted traffic. For more useful tips about seo optimization services, online business leads and how to get top 3 ranking in Google, consult forums or SEO websites.

If you need top search engine rankings or improve you’re Page Rank, see the effective link building service that Net Force 10 has to offer.

Retrieved from (http://www.articlesbase.com/information-technology-articles/seo-optimization-for-online-business-1218044.html) (ArticlesBase SC #1218044)

Chapter 3

Conclusion and Recommendation of this Study


In today’s, generation most people are dealing with computers, such as school, business, companies & establishments. Therefore, the Capiz Bay Resort having this website could help to make customer easy to communicate.

It could be useful for the clients/customers for it is a good example of an official website that processes online transactions.

Using this website client/ customers where no longer spent more time and money to traveled just to see the hotel.

The information of the hotel will viewed fast the costumer and minimizes its difficulties.


An official website is useful to the client/ customers of Capiz Bay Resort for more develop of the website the proponents recommend the ff:

The proponents recommended adding an additional platform to use such as PHP/SQL/JAVASCRIPT for the website of Capiz Bay Resort could accept online reservation.

The proponents recommended using a domain name for the website of Capiz Bay Resort so that the website for Capiz Bay Resort will have higher priority in search engine list such as Google and Yahoo.

The proponents recommended having space that could provide the end-users to post their comments and suggestions.



A Case Study Presented to Computer

Education Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

For the Course of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Dela Cruz, Leah Ann R.

Espino, Jen

Lorenzo, Hardie Light

Vullag, Cherry


Case Study Adviser

October 2010

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